RFID Ear Tags
Deadline Extended Rubber Stamp. Deadline Extended Grunge Stamp Seal Vector Illustration

3.15.2023 - Comments on RFID from Bill Bullard

Latest RFID News Highlights

To: R-CALF USA Members, Affiliates, and Friends From: Bill Bullard, CEO Date: July 16, 2024 Subject: House to Vote on Amendment
For Immediate Release: June 27, 2024 Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard Phone: 406-252-2516; r-calfusa@r-calfusa.com   Please find below R-CALF
For Immediate Release Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard Phone: (406) 252-2516; r-calfusa@r-calfusa.com   BILLINGS, Mont., June 17, 2024 –

Action Alerts

Weekly Commentary

News Releases


Stop Mandatory RFID  

– 10.05.2020 – R-CALF USA’s Comments re: APHIS’ RFID Proposal 

– 2.18.2020 – Sign the Cattle Owners’ Petition by R-CALF USA

– 7.6.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – COVID-19 Pandemic Reveals USDA Is Not Buying RFID Cattle Eartags from American Manufacturers

– 10.6.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – R-CALF USA Only National Cattle Trade Association to Oppose Government RFID Mandate

– 2.18.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – Groups Circulate Petitions to Preserve Animal Identification Options

R-CALF USA’s Lawsuit to Stop USDA’s RFID Ear Tag Mandate

-02.08.2021 – PRESS RELEASE – Ranch Group Files Opening Brief in RFID Case

-02.08.2021 – US District Court Plaintiffs’ Opening Brief Related to FACA Claim

– 12.03.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – Court Must Add NCLA-Obtained Documents Enumerating USDA’s Violations of FACA to Record

– 4.06.2020 – US District Court Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint for Violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act

– 3.02.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – Ranch Group Goes Back to Court with New Information on USDA’s RFID Mandate

– 2.28.2020 – US District Court Petitioners’ Motion Seeking Relief from Order Dismissing Case for Lack of Jurisdiction

– 2.19.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – Ranch Group Seeks Supplemental Order in RFID Case

– 2.19.2020 – US District Court Petitioners’ Motion Related to Federal Advisory Committee Act Claim

– 2.17.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – Court Satisfied that USDA’s RFID Mandate Is Completely Withdrawn

– 2.10.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – Cattle Producers Inform Court RFID Mandate Is Not Resolved 

– 10.25.2019 – USDA Withdrawal of its RFID Mandate

– 10.23.2019 – PRESS RELEASE – Following R-CALF USA Lawsuit, RFID Mandate Removed from USDA Website

– 10.4.2019 – PRESS RELEASE – Ranch Group Files Lawsuit to Stop USDA’s RFID Ear Tag Mandate

– 10.4.2019 – US District Court Petition For Review – Filed 10.4.2019 – R-CALF/Hunt/Fox vs. USDA

– April 2019 – Factsheet to mandate RFID beginning in 2023

R-CALF USA’s Request For Correction Of Information

– 9.27.2017 – R-CALF Data Quality Act Complaint/APHIS Animal Disease Tracibility – Letter Sent to USDA/Perdue/Fong/Shea/Williams

– 9.2017 – USDA Animal Disease Traceability – Summary of Feedback – ADT

– 7.30.2017 – R-CALF Letter to Geiser-Novonty/Hammerschmidt – ADT – A Solution in Search of a Problem

– 4.7.2017 – R-CALF Letter to POTUS/Secy Young – Request to Halt ADT Action

Go to R-CALF USA Animal ID Videos

HANDOUT NAIS and the Equine Owner – Two page handout of Dr. Max Thornsberry’s Op-Ed. Great resource for anyone who owns horses!

HANDOUT R-CALF USA 8-Point Alternative to NAIS – This one page pdf is a copy of R-CALF USA’s news release on the 8-point alternative to NAIS. It includes the full alternative.

2008 Petition Against NAIS (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 55K)

VIDEO A Statement by John Carter, Past President of the Australian Beef Association (ABA) regarding Australia’s NAIS.
Part I (5:03)
Part II (8:31)

R-CALF USA’s Eight-Point Alternative to NAIS March 31, 2009 (PDF 30K) A Practical Solution to Improve Animal Disease Prevention, Control and Eradication, as well as Meat Food Safety in the United States

HANDOUT R-CALF USA’s Top Ten Reason to Oppose (NAIS) Premises Registration (Adobe Acrobat Reader 35 K)

Instructions for removing premises registration info from NAIS (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 455 K)

Traceability Final Rule December 20, 2012 (PDF 486K)

USDA Factsheet on Animal ID Rule December 20, 2012 (PDF 99K)

Joint Letter to OMB regarding USDA-APHIS Animal Disease Traceability Final Rule September 13, 2012 (PDF 21K)

Follow up Joint Letter to OMB regarding USDA-APHIS Animal Disease Traceability Final Rule June 10, 2012 (PDF 54K)

Joint Animal ID Letter to OMB June 7, 2012 (PDF 56K)

R-CALF USA’s Comments on APHIS 2009-0091 December 9, 2011 (PDF 152)

Exhibit 1, 070918 Final OTM Rule (PDF 540 K) Exhibit 10, APHIS Factsheet on ID (PDF 55.7K) Exhibit 19, Clifford Declaration 2005 (PDF 1.38 MB)
Exhibit 2, 080703 Opinion (PDF 941K) Exhibit 11, USDA Overview of U.S. Livestock (PDF 826K) Exhibit 20, 1997 Risk Based Regionalization (PDF 179K)
Exhibit 3, 061026 OIG Audit on TB (PDF 1.52MB) Exhibit 12, Dr. Ringwall’s ITC Testimony (PDF 2.30 MB) Exhibit 21, GAO Animal Identification (PDF 3.6 MB)
Exhibit 4, Bovine TB Pathways 2009030711 (PDF 3.23 MB) Exhibit 13, Benefit Cost Analysis NAIS (2.33 MB) Exhibit 22, APHIS TB Action Plan (PDF 607K)
Exhibit 5, GAO Report on Plum Island (PDF 737 K) Exhibit 14, Ringwall Beef Talk Jan 6, 2005 (PDF 38.5K) Exhibit 23, APHIS Concept Paper, Sept 2009 (PDF 66.2K)
Exhibit 6, Risk Assessment for S. Korea (PDF 2.44 MB) Exhibit 15, Ringwall Beef Talk, January 13, 2005 (PDF 40K) Exhibit 24, 070918 Final OTM Rule (PDF 540K)
Exhibit 7, 2009 NAIS Testimony of John Clifford (PDF 47K) Exhibit 16, EV for Japan (PDF 32.5K) Exhibit 25, Dr Clement on Branding (PDF 133K)
Exhibit 8, 100416 Brazil FMD Risk Evaluation (PDF 4.1 MB) Exhibit 17, EV for Korea (PDF 21.3 K) Exhibit 26, DeHaven NAIS Testimony (PDF 130K)
Exhibit 9, Japan FMD Evaluation (PDF 1.09 MB) Exhibit 18, EV for Hong Kong (PDF 35.6) Exhibit 27, 060900 OIG TB (PDF 1.53MB)

R-CALF USA Letter to Livestock Marketing Association (LMA) regarding Joint Animal ID Comments November 16, 2011 (PDF  123K)

USDA’s Proposed Animal ID Rule August 9, 2011 (PDF 247K)

R-CALF USA’s Animal ID Committee Chair Kenny Fox’s Blog Response to USDA August 1, 2011 (PDF 18K)

R-CALF USA’s letter to Secretary Vilsack regarding Brands April 13, 2011 (348K)

R-CALF USA’s letter to USDA regarding Animal Traceback Dealbreakers March 4, 2011 (61K)

R-CALF USA to Secretary Vilsack, “Evidence Shows USDA Is Deceptively Railroading Cattle Industry with Animal ID Plan” May 18, 2010 (PDF 80K)

R-CALF USA Letter to Secretary Vilsack Regarding the Arkansas Cooperative Agreement April 19, 2010 (PDF 52K)

 Attachment to 04/19/10 Letter: Animal Disease Traceability Workplan (PDF 1.7 MB)

Court Opinion – Emanuel Miller Case March 9, 2010 (PDF 165K)

R-CALF USA’s Letter to Secretary Vilsack, Regarding Dropping NAIS February 5, 2010 (PDF 49K)

USDA Announces New Framework for Animal Diseases Traceability February 5, 2010 (PDF 31K)

R-CALF USA President/Region VI Director Max Thornsberry’s NAIS Presentation (as given at the R-CALF USA 2010 Convention)

USDA is dropping NAIS! Read this USDA Factsheet.

R-CALF USA President/Region VI Director Max Thornsberry’s NAIS Presentation (as given at the R-CALF USA 2010 Convention) (PDF 485K)

Amicus Brief by 22 Organizations to Support Emanuel Miller of Wisconsin November 27, 2009 (PDF 123K)

Letter to Congress “End NAIS” November 18, 2009 (PDF 25K)

Letter to USDA Regarding NAIS Funding November 18, 2009 (PDF 21 K)

R-CALF USA’s letter to U.S. Senators “Don’t fund NAIS” October 7, 2009 (PDF 48K)

Letter to the Agriculture Appropriations Conference Committee September 10, 2009 (PDF 25K)

Professor Nevil Speer, “The Next Step: Engaging Farmers & Ranchers in Animal Identification September 27, 2009 (PDF 3MB) *R-CALF USA does not support Speer’s position.*

R-CALF USA’s Comments, Docket No. APHIS-2009-0027 Public Meetings August 11, 2009 (PDF 116 K)

R-CALF USA’s letter to Senator Tester in Support of his Amendment to reduce NAIS funding in the 2010 Agriculture Appropriations Bill August 3, 2009 (PDF 52 K)

Coalition Letter with 77 Organizations, in support of Tester Amendment to reduce NAIS funding in the 2010 Agriculture Appropriations Bill August 3, 2009 (PDF 25 K)

USDA’s response to R-CALF USA’s April 29, 2009 Letter July 3, 2009 (PDF 30 K)

R-CALF USA NAIS Comments, Advanced Copy  May 15, 2009

R-CALF USA’s response letter to Secretary Vilsack April 29, 2009 (PDF 45K)

USDA’s letter in response to R-CALF USA’s Jan. 20, 2009 letter April 17, 2009 (PDF 1.55 MB)

R-CALF USA Comments for USDA Roundtable Discussion on NAIS April 15, 2009 (PDF 66K)

Secretary Vilsack’s response to R-CALF Letters send March 17 and April 2 April 14, 2009 (PDF 1.15 MB)

R-CALF USA Letter to Secretary Vilsack regarding the Eight-Point Alternative to NAIS April 1, 2009 (PDF 51K)

R-CALF USA Post Animal ID Hearing Testimony March 20, 2009 (PDF 123K)

Senator Tim Johnson’s letter to Secretary Vilsack opposing NAIS March 19, 2009 (PDF 485K)

R-CALF USA Letter to Secretary Vilsack regarding NAIS 10 Questions March 17, 2009 (PDF 1387 K)

R-CALF USA Comments on Proposed Rule, Official Animal ID Numbering System March 16, 2009 (PDF 100K)

NAIS Sample Letter Re:  Testimony for March 11, 2009 Hearing on Review of Animal Identification Systems March 13, 2009

Senator Clair McCaskill’s letter to Secretary Vilsack opposing NAIS March 12, 2009 (PDF 470 K)

R-CALF USA President Dr. Max Thornsberry’s Written Testimony against NAIS at House Hearing March 11, 2009 (PDF 277K)

R-CALF USA President Dr. Max Thornsberry’s Oral Testimony against NAIS at House Hearing March 11, 2009 (PDF 36K)

Click below to listen to recorded audio of the NAIS House Hearing. Written statements for all witnesses are available here.

Panel I 

  • Dr. John R. Clifford, D.V.M., Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

Panel II – Introduction by Rep. Dave Scott (Runs 1:45, 407K)
Closing Remarks by Rep. Dave Scott (Runs 6:00, 595K)
Question and Answer Session I (Runs 12:32, 3 MB)
Question and Answer Session II (Runs 12:23, 3 MB)
Question and Answer Session III (Runs 8:49, 2 MB)

  • Mr. Bill Nutt, President-Elect, Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, on behalf of National Cattleman’s Beef Association Cattle Health and Well-Being Committee, Cedartown, Georgia (Runs 6:18, 1 MB)
  • Dr. R.M. (Max) Thornsberry, D.V.M., President of the Board, R-CALF USA, Richland, Missouri (Runs 5:01, 1 MB)
  • Mr. Donald P. Butler, President, National Pork Producers Council, Clinton, North Carolina (Runs 6:05, 1 MB)
  • Dr. Karen Jordan, D.V.M., Owner, Large Animal Veterinary Services, Co-owner, Brush Creek Swiss Farms, on behalf of National Milk Producers Federation, Siler City, North Carolina (Runs 5:11, 1 MB)
  • Dr. W. Ron DeHaven, D.V.M., MBA, Chief Executive Officer, American Veterinary Medical Association, Schaumburg, Illinois (Runs 4:55, 1 MB)

Panel III – (Runs 25:11, 6 MB)

  • Dr. Rob Williams, Counsellor (Agriculture), Embassy of Australia, Washington, D.C.
    • Accompanied by Mr. Dean Merrilees, Minister Counsellor (Agriculture), Embassy of Australia, Washington, D.C.
  • Mr. Kerry St. Cyr, Executive Director, Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA), Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Secretary Vilsack’s Response to R-CALF USA Letter Regarding 10 Questions February 23, 2009 (617K)

R-CALF USA’s Letter to USDA; Urgent Priorities January 20, 2009 (PDF 55K)

R-CALF USA letter to USDA, Congress and State Veterinarians regarding USDA’s Dec. 22, 2008 NAIS Memo January 12, 2009 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 56 K)

USDA APHIS-VS Memo Regarding Premises Registration December 22, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader 295 K)

Federal Register Notice of National Bio & Agro-Defense Facility (Relocation of Plum Island) December 12, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 60K)

R-CALF USA’s letter to USDA regarding NAIS December 4, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 49K)

Letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture from U.S. Senators Tim Johnson and Mike Enzi November 20, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 167K)

R-CALF USA’s Comments on NAIS 840 Tags November 17, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 56K)

R-CALF USA’s Letter in Response to APHIS Memo November 10, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 59K)

APHIS Memo Mandating Premises Registration September 22, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF 716K)

Letter to the Honorable Lieberman, Collins, Waxman, and Davis Requesting Oversight Hearing on NAIS July 23, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader 292 K)

R-CALF USA’s letter to the Honorable Rosa DeLauro regarding the proposed requirements for the National School Lunch Program June 23, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader 54K)

U.S. Federal Register Notice Suspending Proposed Privacy Act Systems of Records; APHIS National Animal Identification System (NAIS) June 10, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 45K)

R-CALF USA Comments on Privacy Act Systems of Records; APHIS National Animal Identification System (NAIS): Docket No. APHIS-2007-0015 May 30, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 439K)

R-CALF USA Comments on Privacy Act Systems of Records Exhibits 1-4 
(Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 63K)

R-CALF USA’s Comments on NAIS: A Business Plan to Advance Animal Disease Traceability April 15, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 107 K)

R-CALF USA’s Top Ten Reason to Oppose National Animal Identification (NAIS) Premises Registration February 7, 2008 (Adobe Acrobat Reader 35 K)

2007 R-CALF USA NAIS Fact Sheet  (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 79K)

R-CALF USA Letter to Chairman Harkin requesting a moratorium on further Premise ID efforts October 23, 2007 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 93K)

R-CALF USA Letter to House Agriculture Chair Peterson requesting not marrying ID and COOL June 26, 2007 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 90 K)

Under Secretary Bruce Knight’s letter in response to R-CALF USA Regarding Opt-Out Procedures for Premises Registration June 25, 2007 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 458 K)

R-CALF USA Letter to Under Secretary Bruce Knight Regarding Opt-Out Procedures for Premises Registration May 30, 2007 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 97K)

R-CALF USA Testimony to the USDA’s Hearing Regarding the Privatization of Animal Movement Tracking Database  October 12, 2005 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 94K)

R-CALF USA Testimony Submission to the United States House of Representatives Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock Regarding the Privatization of the National Animal Identification System  October 11, 2005 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 118K)

R-CALF USA Testimony by Kenny Fox, Rancher and Member of Belvidere, South Dakota, Before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture On the Development of a U.S. Animal Identification PlanAugust 17, 2004 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 111K)

R-CALF USA Comments to APHIS on Mandatory Animal ID  July 6, 2005 (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 1428K)

R-CALF USA 2006 Position Paper:  National Animal Identification System  (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File 29K)