The materials below provide additional information that may be useful in recruiting a new member.

Call 1-877-99-RCALF (72253) to listen to a weekly recorded update on important industry issues R-CALF USA is working on. Call any day, any time!

One Page Downloadable Forms:

R-CALF USA Membership Application – This pdf application can be printed and hand delivered or emailed to any potential members, or print one off for yourself and mail or fax the completed version to the national office.

R-CALF USA Donation Form – Want to donate above membership dues? Great! This is the form for you. This pdf is easily downloadable for print or email distribution. Also, this form is great to have if you are hosting/planning an R-CALF USA fund-raiser or meeting.

Auction Donor Card – Donate automatically, with every head you sell! Just print, fill out and submit to the auction market you use to sell your cattle!

Two-page Summary of Proposed GIPSA Rule – Print this front and back for a informative one-page handout giving a great overview of what the proposed GIPSA will do for the U.S. Cattle Industry!

R-CALF USA Issue Summary – A brief summary of what issues R-CALF USA is working on, and what is going on with these issues.

R-CALF USA’s Top Ten Reason to Oppose (NAIS) Premises Registration

Other Downloadable Forms:

NAIS and the Equine Owner – Two page handout of Dr. Max Thornsberry’s Op-Ed. Great resource for anyone who owns horses!

R-CALF USA’s Eight-Point Alternative to NAIS March 31, 2009 (PDF 30K) A Practical Solution to Improve Animal Disease Prevention, Control and Eradication, as well as Meat Food Safety in the United States. Two pages.

Don’t see what you need? Contact the office at 406-252-2516 or r-calfusa@r-calfusa.com!

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