We Need Everyone's Help!

IMPORTANT! - The quickest solutions Congress must immediately implement right now to fix the United State's Broken Cattle Market Crisis are

1) To Pass the 50/14 Spot Market Protection Bill S. 949 And

2) To Pass the American Beef Labeling Act S. 2716

Click On Buttons Below To Help.

2020 Convention

Thank You For Your Help!

28 Congressional Signatures
onto Senators Rounds and Smith's Bipartisan Food Crisis Letter to the U.S. Attorney General

Stay Tuned!

How To Help:

Step 1:
Call the US Capitol Switchboard at: 202-224-3121

And ask for each of your Senators and Representative by name.

Here’s what to say: Ask if they have a copy of the Rounds/Smith Food Crisis letter addressed to the U.S. Attorney General. If they don’t, ask for their email and send them the letter. 

Then tell them, “Please join the Rounds/Smith letter that calls for an end to the food crisis that is harming consumers and cattle producers.”

Step 2:
Get Others to Make Calls & Share to Social Media!

It may take 2 or 3 calls from other people for your Senators and Representative to commit to sign. 

Please ask your friends, relatives, neighbors to also make calls.

Go to www.facebook.com/rcalfusa , www.twitter.com/rcalfusa , or www.instagram.com/rcalfusa to share from and tag your friends!

Temporarily change your profile frame on Sen. Rounds’ Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/SenatorMikeRounds/posts/4466859520025527:0 

Thank You For Your Support!

More Information:

Video: Senator Rounds May 19, 2021, announcing the letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) asking them to examine whether the control meatpackers have of the beef processing market violates U.S. antitrust laws. Here is that link. https://www.facebook.com/SenatorMikeRounds/posts/4447766801934799 

Video: Last Wednesday night, May 19, 2021, there was a very informative Facebook live explaining the letter. Here is that link. https://www.rounds.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/icymi-rounds-discusses-nationwide-effort-with-cattle-producers

Read Senator Mike Rounds and Senator Tina Smith’s official press release May 19, 2021 here: https://www.rounds.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/rounds-smith-launch-nationwide-effort-to-protect-consumers-and-cattlemen

Read Senator Mike Rounds and Senator Tina Smith’s official press release June 2, 2021 here: https://www.rounds.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/rounds-smith-lead-26-colleagues-in-calling-for-doj-investigation-into-cattle-market

Read R-CALF USA’s news release May 20, 2021 here: https://www.r-calfusa.com/nationwide-drive-launched-to-get-200-congressional-signers-in-10-days-on-bipartisan-senate-letter-about-food-crisis/

Video: R-CALF USA’s A Message to Consumers Facebook video May 23, 2021, https://www.facebook.com/RCALFUSA/posts/10158293930207684

Video: R-CALF USA’s Weekly Address: 10 Day Drive to Stop the Food Crisis May 26, 2021, https://youtu.be/oi_rvearzCc

Read R-CALF USA’s news release May 26, 2021 here: https://www.r-calfusa.com/beef-checkoff-funded-packer-trade-group-attempts-to-derail-effort-to-address-food-crisis/

Video: R-CALF USA’s A Message to Ranchers and Consumers May 28, 2021, https://www.facebook.com/RCALFUSA/posts/10158305470937684

Read R-CALF USA’s news release June 2, 2021 here: https://www.r-calfusa.com/ranch-group-applauds-28-congressional-members-calling-for-cattle-and-beef-market-reform/


Media Coverage:

South Dakota Ag Connection Grassroots Producer Panel Facebook Live Meeting May 19, 2021 http://www.southdakotaagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=574&yr=2021 

Audio: Sen. Rounds on AgriTalk May 20,2021 AgriTalk-May 20, 2021 – AgriTalk – Omny.fm

Audio: Sen. Rounds on Brownfield Ag News for America May 21, 2021 Rounds and Smith letter draws attention to brewing food crisis (brownfieldagnews.com)

Progressive Farmer/DTN Ag Policy Blog May 21, 2021 Lawmakers, R-CALF Round Up Signatures for Letter to Attorney General (dtnpf.com)

Drovers May 21, 2021 Sen. Rounds Pushes DOJ On Packer Probe | Drovers

Audio: Sen. Rounds on WNAX May 21, 2021 https://wnax.com/news/180081-senators-call-for-investigation-into-packer-market-manipulation/

Audio: Sen. Rounds on DRGNews.com May 21, 2021 Rounds, Smith urging colleagues to support request for federal investigation into cattle prices | DRGNews 

Tri-State Livestock News May 21, 2021 Nationwide Drive Launched to Get 200 Congressional Signers in 10 Days on Bipartisan Senate Letter About Food Crisis | TSLN.com

NewsDakota.com May 21, 2021 SD/MN Senators Push for DOJ Investigation in Beef Processing Market | News Dakota

KELO FM 101.9 / KRRO 103.7 May 21, 2021 https://kelofm.com/2021/05/21/senators-rounds-and-smith-want-investigation-of-meatpackers-on-pricing/

DRGNews.com May 22, 2021 https://drgnews.com/2021/05/22/r-calf-usa-launches-nationwide-push-to-get-200-congressional-signers-in-10-days-on-rounds-smith-letter-about-food-crisis/
St. Joseph’s Post: SD/MN senators ask colleagues to sign onto meatpacking letter May 24, 2021 https://stjosephpost.com/posts/9bf3cd35-c59d-47e1-b470-2473676c106e
KFEQAM May 24, 2021 https://www.680kfeq.com/2021/05/24/sd-mn-senators-ask-colleagues-to-sign-onto-meatpacking-letter/
Audio: Bill Bullard, CEO R-CALF USA on Adams on Agriculture May 24, 2021 (begins at 27 minutes) https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-ad8p2-1045cfb
Audio: Sen Rounds on KFGO Morning Ag News May 25, 2021 Senators Round and Smith work to investigate large meatpacker control https://kfgo.com/growing-harvest-ag-network/
Audio: Monte James Your Ag Network Hot Barn Report May 25, 2021 Listen here
Audio: Sen Rounds 3 part Save The Cattlemen series on the cattle and consumer crisis on Hot Barn Report May 26, 2021 https://youragnetwork.com/hot-barn-report/
Audio: Karina Jones, Field Dir. R-CALF USA on Your Ag Network Hotbarn Report May 26, 2021 Listen here
Video: Bill Bullard on Down the Road with Joel Heitkamp May 26, 2021 Click Here to Watch on Facebook
Western Ag Reporter May 27, 2021 https://www.westernagreporter.com/articles/drive-launched-to-get-congressional-signers-on-food-crisis-letter/
Video: Down the Road with Joel Heitkamp May 27, 2021 Click Here to Watch on Facebook 
Audio: Brett Kenzy, Reg. III Dir. R-CALF USA on WNAX Radio June 2, 2021 https://wnax.com/news/180081-r-calf-continuing-to-ask-congress-for-cattle-market-price-fix/

The R-CALF USA Roundup

A podcast having real conversations with cattle producers and consumers.

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Livestock Auction Fundraiser
for M-COOL & 50/14!


Fighting for the U.S. Independent Cattle Producer

R-CALF USA is a national, non-profit organization, dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. We represent the collective voice of U.S. cattle and sheep producers, in domestic and international trade and marketing issues.

Deadline May 1, 2021

Announcing the newest opportunity for R-CALF USA members! YOUR brand proudly displayed on the first R-CALF USA calendar for 2022. Space is limited so sign up early. 
Mail completed form below along with your payment to: 
    R-CALF USA Calendar 
    PO Box 48 
    Fairburn SD 57738

What R-CALF is Working on Right Now:

Help Pass Senate Bill 949 – Grassley and Tester’s 50/14 Spot Market Protection Bill

Petition for Referendum on the Beef Promotion and Research Order – Learn More


Fight to bring back Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling (M-COOL).

Connecting Consumers to Beef Producers – Visit UsaBeef.org

Lawsuit to Stop USDA’s RFID Ear Tag Mandate

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