Competition Issues

– 4.27.2020 Farmers’ Guide to COVID-19 Relief

R-CALF USA Member Alerts Re: COVID-19 Assistance

– 9.18.2020 Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Livestock Producers

– 5.212.2020 FSA Expands Set-Aside Loan Provision for Customers Impacted by COVID-19

– 5.19.2020 Summary of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Payments by Commodity and Livestock Type

5.4.2020 COVID-19 Assistance for Farmers and Ranchers From the Small Business Association

– 4.23.2020 New CARES Act Loans Available for Farmers and Ranchers

R-CALF USA’s COVID-19 Response News Releases

– 4.29.2020 PRESS RELEASE – Ranch Group Urges President and Congress to Determine if Packing Industry Should be Decentralized

– 4.29.2020 R-CALF USA’s Letter To President Trump and Senate and House Leaders

– 4.09.2020 PRESS RELEASE – Ranch Group Urges Secretary to Target Hardest Hit Producers

– 4.09.2020 Letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue Re: CARES Act Assistance

– 3.24.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – New Website Aims to Connect Americans to Nearest Cattle Producers for Beef

– 3.23.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – Ranch Group to U.S. Senate: We Don’t Want a Bail-out, We Want Our Industry Back

– 3.18.2020 – PRESS RELEASE – R-CALF USA to Trump: Crisis Requires Stopgap, Permanent Measures to Avert Industry Collapse

– 3.18.2020 – Letter to President Trump Re: Crisis Requires Stopgap, Permanent Measures