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For Immediate Release: September 6, 2021

Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard

Phone: 406-252-2516; r-calfusa@r-calfusa.com


Billings, MT – Record high boxed beef prices, coupled with struggling fat cattle prices has magnified the work that R-CALF USA is doing on behalf of the cattle industry. Support showed as producers gathered to raise money that would further R-CALF USA’s efforts that range from, but are not exclusive to, increasing fat cattle market competition to reinstating a mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) law for beef.

R-CALF USA Field Director Karina Jones explained, “The R-CALF calf sale fundraising cycle starts in the fall and ends in the summer. We just wrapped up one of our most successful calf sale fundraising cycles where we experienced the generosity of producers and sale barns hosting seven general fund rollovers and an additional beef checkoff petition campaign fundraiser held at Fort Pierre Livestock Auction in Ft. Pierre, S.D.”

Jones explained, “Cattle producers are encouraged to sign the petition to signal to the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) that the cattle industry desires to vote on a Beef Checkoff referendum. You can also print it out to take around to your cattle producing neighbors to sign.”

Producers have until October 3, 2021, to sign the petition at www.Checkoffvote.com or send in signed hardcopy petitions to Checkoff Petition, P.O. Box 30536, Billings, MT, 59107.

A unique “double header” rollover scenario unfolded at Valentine Livestock Auction in December. At the 2019 Valentine, Neb. rollover, Greg Arendt, manager of Valentine Livestock Auction and longtime R-CALF USA supporter, purchased the bred heifer donated by Tim and Dee Painter of Valentine. That bred heifer would go on to calve a heifer calf that Greg and Marie Arendt donated back to the 2020 rollover in addition to another bred heifer Tim and Dee Painter graciously donated.

“This was such a fun story to learn about,” commented Jones. “It really gives conviction to the depth of support and belief that producers have in R-CALF.

“Both the Arendts and Painters have donated multiple times,” Jones said. “Their generosity is an example of their commitment to their industry – that is deeply appreciated and inspiring.

“In addition to the Painters and Arendts, R-CALF recognizes SoDak Angus Ranch/Vaughn and Lois Meyer of Reva, S.D., and Dean and Delia Johnson of Fairburn, S.D., as being longtime calf sale fundraiser partners. We are thankful to welcome new calf donors this year including James Fulwider of Iona, S.D.,” said Jones.

Fulwider explained that last year’s 2020 R-CALF USA convention was what inspired him to donate a calf. “Seeing youth get involved in the cattle industry was motivation,” he said adding, “I saw so many young producers drive from across the country to come to (the) R-CALF convention and that was inspiring.”

“Calf sale fundraisers are a vital part of the success of our organization as R-CALF USA does not accept any Beef Checkoff funds,” said Jones. “We are funded solely by our members and producers who believe in the policy goals that we are working towards.”

“We would like to sincerely thank the following cattle producers who donated a calf for a fundraiser and the auction market that hosted,” concluded Jones. “These producers and auction markets were presented with commemorative thank you boards at the 2021 R-CALF USA Convention for them to display in their homes or lobby.

2020-21 calf sale host auction markets and calf donors included: Platte Livestock Market; James Fulwider; Valentine Livestock Auction; Greg and Marie Arendt; Tim and Dee Painter; Fort Pierre Livestock Auction; SoDak Angus Ranch/Vaughn and Lois Meyer; Kenzy Backgrounding; Winner Livestock Market; Lonnie and Pam Dreyer; Belle Fourche Livestock Market; Atkinson Livestock Market; Gregg Todd; Mitchell Ranch; Ehlers Ranch; Mark Lemmer; Beck Angus/Dan Beck and Ken Beck; and Dean and Delia Johnson.

R-CALF USA is scheduling its 2021-22 calf sale fundraisers. If you are an auction market that would like to host a fundraiser or a producer who would like to donate an animal, please contact Karina Jones, Field Director for R-CALF USA, at 308-760-3466 or karinajones@r-calfusa.com.


R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) is the largest producer-only cattle trade association in the United States. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or, call 406-252-2516.