For Immediate Release: September 30, 2022
Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard
Phone: 406-252-2516;
Billings, Mont. – At the recent 2022 R-CALF USA national convention, R-CALF USA celebrated a strong 2021-2022 rollover calf sale fundraiser season and highlighted the increased interest and support gained from the fundraisers.
“The R-CALF USA calf sale fundraising cycle starts in the fall and ends in the summer,” said R-CALF USA Field Director Karina Jones. “We just wrapped up one of our most successful calf sale fundraising cycles to date. We experienced the generosity of producers and sale barns around the Midwest, hosting 10 rollovers in South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Colorado.”
Valentine Livestock Auction, in Valentine, Nebraska, hosted two rollover fundraisers. “R-CALF operates amongst a mass of people, and they do it without a lot of money. They want to save cattle producers from big corporations,” said Valentine Livestock Auction Manager Greg Arendt. “That is why we are happy to host calf sale rollover fundraisers.”
“The first calf we donated was in 2009. We donate as much as we can to what we see as the only outfit around that is working for us, the cow calf operator,” said Delia Johnson, longtime calf donor from Fairburn, South Dakota. “We would have long since gone the road of the chicken operators if it were not for R-CALF USA.”
Melvin and Karen Suchy, of Tryon, Nebraska, were first time calf donors this year. “We are truly grateful to R-CALF USA for all the man hours, lobbying and support they give the American ranchers,” said Karen Suchy. “Thank you, R-CALF USA, for fighting to keep us all in business.”
“Calf sale fundraisers are a vital part of the success of our organization as R-CALF USA does not accept any beef checkoff funds. We are funded solely by our members and producers who believe in the policy goals that we are working toward,” said Jones. “We would like to sincerely thank the cattle producers who donated a calf for a fundraiser and the auction market that hosted.”
The following producers and auction markets participated in the 2021-2022 calf sale fundraiser season: James Fulwider and Kevin Talsma, Platte Livestock Market; Tim and Dee Painter, Valentine Livestock Auction; Brett Galbraith, Valentine Livestock Auction; Matt Paulsen, Creighton Livestock Market; Lonnie and Pam Dreyer, Winner Livestock Auction; Roy Bell, Tri-County Stockyards; Harry and Linda Thompson, Livestock Exchange LLC; Dyesville Angus, Jack and Penny Dye, Crawford Livestock Market; Melvin and Karen Suchy, North Platte Stockyards; and Dean and Delia Johnson, Fort Pierre Livestock Auction.
Jones said R-CALF USA is scheduling 2022-2023 calf sale fundraisers. She also said auction markets interested in hosting a fundraiser or producers interested in donating an animal, please contact 406-252-2516 or
R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) is the largest producer-only cattle trade association in the United States. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. For more information, visit or, call 406-252-2516.