For Immediate Release: March 16, 2022

By: R-CALF USA Marketing Coordinator Jaiden Moreland

Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard

Phone: 406-252-2516; r-calfusa@r-calfusa.com


Billings, Mont. – In an effort to continue bringing current cattle industry issues into the spotlight and better serve its membership, R-CALF USA has released the R-CALF USA Round Up podcast and announced the True Grit magazine.

“The inception of the podcast and magazine was truly member-driven,” said Karina Jones, R-CALF USA Field Director. “We knew we needed more contemporary communication channels to reach cattle producers and our members. Once it was decided that we would execute these ideas, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.”

The R-CALF USA Round Up podcast, launched in October 2021, features approximately 45-minute-long, biweekly episodes with guests from around the cattle industry. Hosted by Jones and Jaiden Moreland, R-CALF USA Marketing Coordinator, the podcast focuses on having real conversations with cattle producers and beef consumers.

“The podcast has given R-CALF USA a platform to share these real and powerful conversations we are having, concerning issues affecting cattle producers and consumers around the country,” said Moreland. “This podcast has allowed us to reach a whole new audience, and it has been fun to develop it and get more people involved in the conversation.”

The True Grit magazine will be delivered quarterly to R-CALF USA members as a new perk of R-CALF USA membership benefits.

“Member value is a top priority at R-CALF USA. We frequently talk about how we can create a better member experience and give members as much ‘bang for their membership buck’ as possible,” said Jones. “The magazine is a unique answer. There will be content in the magazine not offered anywhere else and is exclusive for R-CALF USA members.”

According to Moreland, the magazine will include features of R-CALF USA members’ cattle operations, made in the USA featured products, R-CALF USA event recaps, notes from the R-CALF USA President and Vice President, Q&A with R-CALF USA Region Directors, legislative and lawsuit updates, short stories written by members, and more.

“The magazine will help provide rural America an opportunity to show the rest of the world who grows their food and cares for the environment,” said Brett Kenzy, R-CALF USA President. “We live in historic times; this will further create a written record of the struggle of the heartland to regain a sustainable share of the retail food dollar – and how we earn it every day.”

True Grit is being created to inspire and empower, but also to bring positivity and something new to our members,” said Moreland, who will serve as the Editor-in-Chief of True Grit. “The R-CALF USA members truly represent the definition of true grit, and my goal is to embody the uniqueness of that while bringing them valuable information in a new format.”

Moreland also said R-CALF USA members will receive True Grit in addition to the Cattlemen’s Newsletter. The former quarterly newsletter will now arrive in member mailboxes bimonthly, it will focus on sharing the more technical side of cattle industry issues like R-CALF USA press releases and congressional information.

“The new podcast, magazine and changes to the newsletter will serve our membership in a new way,” Moreland said. “These three platforms will allow us to add tangible benefits for our members by greatly improving the frequency and informative content of our communications. We hope our membership enjoys these platforms and that they help them remain engaged, involved and inspired.”

The R-CALF USA Round Up is available for listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, the R-CALF USA YouTube page, and on www.r-calfusa.com.

Opportunities to advertise in True Grit are now available, starting at $75. Members are encouraged to tag @rcalfusa in their social media photos featuring cattle, R-CALF USA events or R-CALF USA merchandise. Members are welcome to send in a letter to the editor-style writing piece or a short story for a chance to be featured in the magazine.

For more information or questions concerning True Grit content or advertising, please contact jaidenmoreland@r-calfusa.com.


R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) is the largest producer-only cattle trade association in the United States. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or call 406-252-2516.