For Immediate Release

By: R-CALF USA Marketing Director Jaiden Moreland

Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard

Phone: 406-252-2516; r-calfusa@r-calfusa.com


View photos from the Black Hills Stock Show here.

RAPID CITY, S.D., February 16, 2024 – Recently, R-CALF USA and its South Dakota state affiliate, the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association (SDSGA) joined forces at the 2024 Black Hills Stock Show.

The two groups have spent more than 20 years cohosting a booth at the stock show where they focus on membership recruitment, fundraising, and provide a place for cattle producers from across the Midwest to gather and discuss industry issues.

This year, booth visitors included U.S. Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), and U.S. Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.); as well as R-CALF USA President Brett Kenzy, Vice President Eric Nelson, and Board of Directors Eric Gropper, Tribal Regions; Dave Hyde, Reg. VIII, and Judy McCullough, Reg. II; and Committee Chairs Vaughn Meyer, Checkoff; Kenny Fox, Animal Identification; and Bill Kluck, Sheep.

Attendees were also drawn to the booth by the annual display of the handmade saddle by Baxter Badure, from Belvidere, and saddle rack made by Leroy Wicks, from Dupree.

R-CALF USA Marketing Director Jaiden Moreland represented R-CALF USA throughout the 10-day event, meeting with legislators and reporting high success in membership growth and fundraising.

“It’s always a pleasure getting to promote our two organizations and building on our long-time partnership,” said Moreland.

Just before the start of the stock show, the Department of Agriculture sent its final rule on mandatory electronic identification (EID) to the White House Office of Management and Budget for final review. This action prompted intense discussions by many stock show attendees who strongly oppose a government mandated EID system and who learned during the stock show that a competing cattle association was considering a resolution to support USDA’s action.

“Because of another organization’s proposed policy, EID became a hot topic and got lots of people fired up,” said Eric Gropper. “We had a lot of discussions laying out the facts with EID and how to fight USDA’s attempts to implement this dangerous rule. We need everyone to get behind fighting this and stay fired up just like they were that week.”

Long-time opponents to a mandatory EID system, R-CALF USA reaffirmed its staunch opposition to the mandate. According to Moreland, R-CALF USA is taking measures and working with legislators to prevent such a mandate from being implemented.

During the event, R-CALF USA hosted a producer meeting and social with updates from Brett Kenzy, Eric Nelson, and R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard.

The morning following the meeting, SDSGA and R-CALF USA cohosted a cattle producer seminar featuring independent journalist Jim Mundorf of Lonesome Lands. Mundorf presented “A Lie Agreed Upon” in which he explained how the cattle industry has erroneously accepted the argument by climate change activists that cattle are harming the environment.

The seminar also featured a legislative panel with staff members for Sens. Thune, Rounds, and Rep. Johnson. Bullard followed with his presentation “Why America Is Losing Its Ranches,” and SDSGA Executive Director Doris Lauing gave an update on state and local industry initiatives and legislative updates.

Referring to Mundorf’s presentation, Kenzy stated, “Mundorf revealed the long-planned plot to use a global ‘climate crisis’ to change and control agriculture and every aspect of American life. This plan reaches all the way back to the globalist United Nations and may explain why the commonsense, pro-American reforms Bullard detailed in his presentation have been so difficult to achieve.

“It becomes ever more obvious to me that the hardworking people of America who build, grow, and maintain the base systems that keep us warm and fed must find a way to make our government respect us again,” Kenzy said.

Mundorf’s presentation is available on the R-CALF USA YouTube channel.

“We appreciate all who made the Black Hills Stock Show the incredible industry event that it is, and we thank all who took the time to stop by the booth and attend our events,” said Moreland. “We look forward to returning to the stock show and continuing our work with SDSGA.”

The 2024 saddle raffle ticket sales will continue until the national convention June 19-21 in Deadwood. Raffle tickets can be purchased at Fort Pierre Livestock Auction in Ft. Pierre, by calling R-CALF USA at (406) 252-2516, or at the convention.


R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) is the largest producer-only cattle trade association in the United States. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or call 406-252-2516.