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Director To Speak at BQBA Meeting

April 14, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

What: R-CALF USA Director To Speak at Buckeye Quality Beef Association Meeting

When: 2 p.m. EDT, Sun., April 14, 2024

Where: Perry Township Fire Department, 4625 Boggs Rd., Zanesville, OH 43701

Contacts: R-CALF USA Region VIII Director Dave Hyde (740) 381-2699 or  dhydefarm@windstream.net; or BQBA President Larry Queen queenfarm5488@gmail.com; or Vic Sellers wvs01@icloud.com


Description: The Buckeye Quality Beef Association (BQBA), an R-CALF USA affiliate organization, will host a meeting at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, at the Perry Township Fire Department located at 4625 Boggs Road in Zanesville, Ohio.

The meeting is open to all cattle producers and will include discussion on policy and current legislation. R-CALF USA Region VIII Director Dave Hyde, of Bloomingdale, will give an R-CALF USA update.

R-CALF USA represents the U.S. cattle and sheep industries in trade and marketing issues to ensure the continued profitability and viability of independent U.S. cattle and sheep producers. It is the largest producer-only organization fighting to bring back mandatory country of origin labeling for beef, to stop anticompetitive and unjust practices by the four largest packers, to prevent high-risk imports from countries with disease outbreaks, to allow U.S. cattle producers to promote their USA beef within the beef checkoff program and make the checkoff voluntary, and to seek tariffs to save the U.S. sheep industry from price-depressing imports.

R-CALF USA is set apart from all other national cattle associations because it relies solely on membership dues and donations to carry out its mission to ensure the continued profitability and independence of United States cattle and sheep producers. It exists only because of support from its members. R-CALF USA encourages producers to get involved and make their collective voice heard.


Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) is the largest producer-only cattle trade association in the United States. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle and sheep industries. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or call (406) 252-2516 for more information.


April 14, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category: