To: R-CALF USA Members, Affiliates and All
From: Bill Bullard, CEO
Date: April 21, 2022
Subject: Calls Needed to Resist Urge to Water Down Cattle Market Reforms
Background: The U.S. Senate agriculture committee will hold a hearing on the Cattle Market Price Discovery and Transparency Act of 2022 (S.4030) Tuesday, April 26, 2022. U.S. cattle producers deserve nothing less than access to a fair, competitive market to sell their cattle.
Action: Please call the committee immediately at 202-224-2035.
Here is a suggested script:
“Hello, I am a cattle producer from (state). The upcoming Senate ag committee hearing, on Tuesday, regarding the Cattle Market Price Discovery and Transparency Act (S.4030) is very important to me and other producers in our state. Time is of the essence and I urge the committee to reject the entire section of S.4030 that purports to reform the cattle market and substitute it with the spot market protection bill (S.949) to require big packers to purchase at least 50% of their cattle from the competitive cash market. Thank you.”
Thank you for your calls!
If you want to do even more and your state’s Senator is listed below, please call their office phone number and relay your message again.
Senate ag committee members
Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) 202-224-4822
Ranking Member John Boozman (R-AR) 202-224-4843
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) 202-224-4242
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 202-224-2541
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) 202-224-2315
John Hoeven (R-ND) 202-224-2551
Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) 202-224-3244
Joni Ernst (R-IA) 202-224-3254
Michael Bennet (D-CO) 202-224-5852
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) 202-224-5054
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) 202-224-4451
Roger Marshall (R-KS) 202-224-4774
Tina Smith (D-MN) 202-224-5641
Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) 202-224-4124
Richard Durbin (D-IL) 202-224-2152
Charles Grassley (R-IA) 202-224-3744
Cory Booker (D-NJ) 202-224-3224
John Thune (R-SD) 202-224-2321
Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) 202-224-6621
Deb Fischer (R-NE) 202-224-6551
Raphael Warnock (D-GA) 202-224-3643
Mike Braun (R-IN) 202-224-4814