For Immediate Release: July 28, 2023

By: R-CALF USA Field Director Karina Jones

Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard

Phone: 406-252-2516; r-calfusa@r-calfusa.com


Valentine Livestock Auction in Valentine, Neb.


Ft. Pierre Livestock Auction in Ft. Pierre, S.D.

Valentine, Neb./Fort Pierre, S.D. – Two recent calf sale fundraisers hosted by auction markets in the Midwest raised a generous amount of proceeds for the organization. R-CALF USA member Brett Galbraith from Wood, South Dakota, donated a heifer calf that was auctioned off at Valentine Livestock Auction, in Valentine, Nebraska. In addition, longtime R-CALF USA members Dean and Delia Johnson, of Fairburn, South Dakota, donated a yearling steer that was auctioned off at Ft. Pierre Livestock Auction, in Ft. Pierre, South Dakota.

The two auctions raised more than $42,000 to help R-CALF USA fight for inclusions in the 2023 Farm Bill such as: mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) for beef, to reform the beef checkoff program, to force packers to compete in the cash market, to end meatpacker ownership of cattle and to end unpriced formula contracts that are used by meatpackers to control livestock.

“Greg Arendt, at Valentine Livestock Auction, and Dennis and Bryan Hanson, at Ft. Pierre Livestock Auction, and their crews, have been perennial supporters of R-CALF USA and crucial in supporting the fight for the independent cattle industry,” said R-CALF USA President Brett Kenzy.

“A supportive business community and an active crowd of cattle producers made their support clear with their generosity,” said R-CALF USA Field Director Karina Jones. “We would like to thank all the businesses and individuals who supported these fundraisers and most of all the producers that generously bring forth their cattle to be auctioned off for these events.”

“Calf sale fundraisers are a vital part of the success of our organization as R-CALF USA does not accept any beef checkoff funds,” she continued. “We are funded solely by our members who believe in the policy goals that we are working towards.”

Jones added that calf sale fundraisers are also a membership building tool that R-CALF USA relies on to maintain a strong and growing membership base. R-CALF USA is now scheduling its 2023-24 Calf Sale Fundraisers.

Auction markets that would like to host a fundraiser or producers who would like to donate an animal should contact Karina Jones at 308-760-3466 or karinajones@r-calfusa.com.


R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) is the largest producer-only cattle trade association in the United States. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle and sheep industries. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or call 406-252-2516.