Donate to Fire Relief


This donation fund is specifically for people who want to help donate to the fire victims in the Panhandles of Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and Southwest Kansas.

*Every penny given will go directly to ranchers affected. There will not be any administrative costs taken out of these funds by R-CALF USA. Ranchers will be required to verify their need with their FSA loss form.

Enter the amount you would like to donate in the box below.



R-CALF USA has been contacted numerous times by people who want to help donate to the fire victims in the Panhandles of Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and Southwest Kansas.

We want to help.

Loads of hay and feed have gone to help our friends and neighbors, and for that, they are grateful.

The next hurdle for them is going to be their fences. Estimate costs from multiple sources will be that a turnkey cost will be around $10,000/mile to take out old fence and put in new, that’s with labor and material.

Do the math. If only ONE rancher has 50 miles of fence to replace, that’s $500,000. How many ranchers have lost everything? Hundreds of miles of fence will need to be replaced.

The government may or may not subsidize that effort. And if funds do come in, the initial outlay of cash for many of those ranchers will need to happen sooner than most government agencies will more than likely deliver.

Here’s how you can help. If every member of R-CALF USA donates $50, we could raise over $250,000 dollars. We would love to surpass that! We are opening this up to everyone to give…NOT just R-CALF USA members.

Please pass this message on to your friends. Ranchers. Non-Ranchers. Anyone who eats. Anyone who has been struck with tragedy at one time or another. We know there are MANY that want to help.

We are calling it “$50 Fence Fundraiser”….some will give more than $50. Some will give less. Any amount will be a blessing to our friends and neighbors.

*Every penny given will go directly to ranchers affected. There will not be any administrative costs taken out of these funds by R-CALF USA. Ranchers will be required to verify their need with their FSA loss form.