Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia

Darol Dickinson
Darol Dickinson
Darol and Linda Dickinson have four children Kirk, Chad, Joel and Dela, and 8 grand children. Darol is general manager of Dickinson Cattle Co. Inc. (DCCI) near Barnesville, Ohio. The ranch is owned by the 4 children. It is located just north of the 40th parallel. There are 9 employees plus summer tour guides. DCCI is located on the south side of Interstate 70 between mile markers 198 and 202.

DCCI is located in two townships in Belmont County, Ohio in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Registered cattle production includes Texas Longhorn, Dutch BueLingo and African Watusi. Artificial insemination, embryo transfer and cloning are used to keep ranch modern and competitive.

The diversified ranch involves public Longhorn pasture bus tours, Certified Texas Longhorn Beef, seasonal hunting, and a private gated development, Longhorn Hideaway for those who enjoy a quiet ranch life where the deer and Longhorns roam.

Darol has illustrated 3 books and written several. His autobiography is Fillet of Horn which has been on the Fairview best seller list for 4 years. His how-to book on Livestock Photography has sold out 5 printings. The Color of Horses book with 34 color illustrations is now in the 7th printing.

Darol and Linda moved their ranching business to Ohio from Colorado during the nineties. The ranch herd is managed by Joel Dickinson. The ranch site www.texaslonghorn.com is maintained by Kirk Dickinson. Most registered cattle and ranch products are sold from the Internet. Up to 700 registered cattle are sold each year, privately. DCCI cattle are owned by the ranch from conception to consumption. DCCI is involved in feeding, and marketing retail Better Than Organic beef, nation wide.

Darol has served as president, vice president and numerous directorships with the Watusi, Longhorn and BueLingo associations. The DCCI raised cattle have won multiple Championships.

Semen, frozen embryos and live cattle have been exported to start breeds in Poland, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Canada, Bolivia, Thailand, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Germany.

Celebrities who have purchased DCCI cattle include Andrea The Giant, George Lucas, Brad Benson, Red McCombs, Bill Koch, and Col. Oliver North.

Darol has judged major cattle shows including the Houston Stock Show and the International Championship. He writes articles, speaks at cattlemen’s banquets, does livestock judging clinics, Rotary, and works the animal circuit. For many years he has spent numerous hours per day in opposition to NAIS. The site www.naisSTINKS.com has over 140 opposition articles.

Darol hopes to make a contribution to R-CALF USA in membership enrollment and assisting ranchers to upgrade into the retail beef business, instead of wholesale cattle sales.

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