Now Scheduling
2024-2025 Rollover Auction Fundraisers

R-Calf Roll Over Auction January 25 2023 043

Q: What is a rollover auction fundraiser?

A: A rollover auction fundraiser takes place at a local auction yard to raise money for R-CALF USA. An R-CALF USA member volunteer will donate an animal to be auctioned off. Those who support the efforts of the organization can bid on the animal, then donate it back so it can be auctioned off again and again, until bidding ceases.

After the last rollover bid, the animal is sold to the highest bidder with proceeds going to R-CALF USA.

Q: How long does a rollover auction fundraiser last?

A: About 10-20 minutes on average.  

Q: When should I schedule a fundraiser?

A: It depends on what time and day work best for your local auction yard and you. Typically, special sale days or barbeque/customer appreciation days work best because of a fuller crowd.

We recommend at least three weeks advanced notice so that we can send invitations through the U.S. postal service; however, we can and will work with shorter notice.

Q: What should I do before the fundraiser?

A: R-CALF USA will inform members and media in your area about your event. Depending on what you feel comfortable doing, some things others have done to boost the success of their fundraiser include: personally inviting friends, neighbors, and acquaintances; contacting local businesses to invite a representative to the event and/or ask for a donation to be used as a bid during the calf sale (businesses you frequent such as banks, veterinarians, and feed stores have all donated at past fundraisers); and sharing the event notice with local media and inviting them to the event.

Q: Do I need to speak at the fundraiser?   

A: No, typically the auctioneer will start the fundraiser and R-CALF USA will try to find a local representative in your area to help at the event.

Q: What should I do during the event? 

A: Ask the auctioneer to say or ask for the bidders’ names and have someone appointed to write down all bidders’ first and last names along with the amount they bid. 

After the rollover auction have a small table set up so that you can collect payments or ask the auction yard office if they are willing to collect payments (if so, leave the list of bidders’ names and amounts with them).  Make all checks payable to “R-CALF USA.” 

After all the donations have been collected, send the list of bidders’ names along with their payments to:  R-CALF USA, P.O. Box 30715, Billings, MT 59107.

Q: What will donors receive in return for their donation?

A: All donors who donate over $150 will receive a new R-CALF USA membership or membership renewal to their existing membership. R-CALF USA will provide membership applications for new members to complete at the event.

Q: What is my first step to hosting a fundraiser?

A: Call Candace Bullard, R-CALF USA Operations Director, at 406-591-9009 or send an email to candacebullard@r-calfusa.com.

How you can help

Make a general donation, donate a percentage of the proceeds or a per head amount from your livestock sold, or donate the proceeds from one animal. Click on the “DONATE” button below or send a check payable to “R-CALF USA Calf Sale” to R-CALF USA, P.O. Box 30715, Billings, MT 59107